Dear Parent/ Carer,
Easter already! It is incredible how quickly the school years passes. I am certain that we all hope for an improvement in the weather after the Easter Break. I was standing outside in the playground, in the cold during, with all of the staff and children at Kilmorie last week during a fire alarm.... as it began to snow once again... thinking 'Is it ever going to warm up?' Let's hope so...
I had the pleasure on Monday of leading a tour of all three schools with a group from the Aspiring Leaders programme. Aspiring Leaders is a pan-London leadership development programme for Deputies, Assistant Headteachers and teachers who aspire to Headship. The group were suitably impressed by each of our schools.
At Fairlawn this week we began the week
with a visit from Haseltine's wind group, who performed wonderfully for
us at our whole school assembly. It was great for our Haseltine children to visit Fairlawn to perform and it was great for me to see our children in a different context. Our Year 2 classes were out on Monday visiting London Zoo as part of their 'Rainforest' Topic. The temperatures didn't afflict the visit too much. When the classes visited at the same time last year, the temperature was in the 20's! Some of our musicians played at Goldsmiths Great Hall on Monday evening... a very impressive venue for some very impressive young people. On Tuesday,
our Year 5 classes lived their day as Victorians. Teachers and children
dressed up, role played and had a great learning experience. My thanks to our teachers for creating these memorable learning experiences. The Spring Music Festival ended with a BANG... with a
whole school drumming experience in Assembly. Our girls Year 6 football
team beat Kilmorie in the inaugural Fairmorie Cup 2-1 and our Boys Y6
football team lost on penalities after an earlier 2-2 draw. We said farewell this week to Ms Christian, Ms Fields and Ms Daynes. We wish all these colleagues our very, very best for the future.
Our Year 5 parents were cooking Somalian food with groups of children at Haseltine on Monday. As mentioned above, our clarinet players went to play for the children at Fairlawn. Our Reception children went to Godstone Farm for a visit on Tuesday. Wednesday saw the whole school Passport Trip to the cinema and bowling and we ended for Easter with a Drumming Workshop for the whole of Key Stage Two.
Our Year 5 parents were cooking Somalian food with groups of children at Haseltine on Monday. As mentioned above, our clarinet players went to play for the children at Fairlawn. Our Reception children went to Godstone Farm for a visit on Tuesday. Wednesday saw the whole school Passport Trip to the cinema and bowling and we ended for Easter with a Drumming Workshop for the whole of Key Stage Two.
Our Assembly
theme at Kilmorie this week was Easter. Our Year 6 parents attended a meeting about
preparing for SATs on Monday. Meanwhile, dancers
from Reception and Year 1 visited Sydenham School to perform in the Dance Fest. The Kilmorie
Jazz Band performed in Live Winds at
Goldsmiths Great Hall as part of the Lewisham Live events. We had a Music Assembly on Tuesday with assorted Key Stage 2 soloists and
a guitar recital after school. Wednesday saw our Year 1's go on a trip to the Geffrye Museum
of the Home in Hoxton for the Homes Then
and Now workshop and the storytelling session A Chair’s Tale to support their history
topic. All our Recorder Groups went to
Fairlawn to take part in a federation recorder jam. At the end of the day there was a piano
recital attended by parents. To mark the end of the Spring Music Festival on Thursday, our Singmorie Voices and the infant
choir performed in a music celebration.
Have a fantastic Easter,
Mark Wilson
Executive Head teacher
Have a fantastic Easter,
Mark Wilson
Executive Head teacher