Saturday 9 February 2013

Week 18

Dear Parent/ Carer,

We did two days of interviews this week for our School Direct trainees for the three schools from September.  School Direct trainees train on-the-job to become qualified teachers.  We were impressed with the calibre of applications and feel that we have a very strong group of trainees to grow into outstanding teachers of the future for our schools.  This kind of co-operation and scale is one of the enormous benefits of our schools' partnership.

We welcomed Frankie Sulke, Lewisham Director of Children's Services, to Haseltine on Thursday.  Ms Brumby and I were delighted that Ms Sulke was incredibly impressed with the school, with the children and with the staff.  Haseltine really does speak for itself from the moment that you walk through the door.  Please do tell friends, colleagues and family all about Haseltine.  We are still working with a local perception of the school that is a long time outdated. 

I went to the Department for Education on Friday to consult on the roll out of the new Primary National Curriculum.  The Department is keen that Teaching Schools like ours play a central part in the national roll-out of the new curriculum.  This will inevitably present us with challenges, but it will also allow us to stay ahead of the curve and to develop the curriculum in the way that we want to teach it.  I am encouraged by the way in which the government wants to manage the roll-out as I feel that allowing schools and teachers to own the process is key to successful adoption.

Haseltine's outstanding ofsted report was sent out to parents this week and will be posted on the ofsted website next week.  In other news, the Reception children had an adventure in the London Aquarium and Class 3S did their assembly, showing off their skills as historians and their fabulous Viking knowledge.

At Fairlawn, Year 6 pupils attended a World War 2 workshop.   The children experienced what life was like during the Second World War.  There was a Whole School Chinese New Year Assemby - Kai and Lisa Draper taught the staff and children how to 'sign' the signs of the zodiac.  In sporting news, Fairlawn won a football friendly against Rathfern 7-3

At Kilmorie, the Year 6 children went out on a trip to the Natural History Museum to investigate habitats and adaptation.  Year 5 (Sarah's Class) held their class assembly on the subject of Space.  The Friends of Kilmorie held a cake sale on Friday.   Our thanks for their wonderful efforts and ongoing support for the school.

Have a fabulous weekend,
Mark Wilson
Executive Headteacher

Saturday 2 February 2013

Week 17

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Our Year 4 children at Kilmorie went on their school journey to Arethusa this week.  I am delighted to report that everyone had a wonderful time.  A hearty 'well done' to all of the children and my thanks to the staff who were freely giving of their time to provide this exciting and memorable learning opportunity for our children.  Our Kilmorie Year 5's visited the Greenwich Observatory... round the corner from where I live (!) and our Year 5/6's represented the school with distinction at an inter-schools football tournament.  Quite a week!

Meanwhile, Fairlawn class 4N performed last Sunday at the Catford Broadway Theatre as part of Lewisham's Holocaust Memorial Week.  Class 2C visited The Science Museum on Wednesday as part of their topic Fantastic Forces.  Our children enjoyed a Whole School Disco on Thursday.  It was fantastic to see so many wonderful party outfits.  Our Fairlawn children are quite the dressers!  On Thursday, some of our Year 2 children took part in a multi-skills festival at Sydenham School and on Friday class 4N led a Tudor Assembly.

Children from Haseltine were also in historical mode this week.  Class 5B led a Victorian class assembly that they themselves had written.  Year 1 took a trip to the Docklands Museum.  The school held a Book Fair and earned lots of money for new books for Haseltine and the week ended with a School Disco that featured a spectacular Dance Off.

It is interesting to reflect on the things that happen in a typical week in our schools.  As can be seen, there is a great deal going on and it is built on the enthusiasm, the energy and the passion of staff to create outstanding learning opportunities for our children.  We intend to continue, and to build on, what we do in all of our schools.

We appointed a Business Director to work across our three schools this week.  This appointment will help us to take a strategic approach to financial management and to achieve the best value for money we can across all three schools, the Teaching School based at Fairlawn, and the Children's Centre based at Kilmorie.  I welcomed an Executive Team from Bradford to our three schools on Thursday.  Executive Headship and school partnerships, though well established in Lewisham, remain the exception throughout the rest of the country.  It was useful for the team from Bradford to draw out the parallels with their own contexts, for us to share ideas and practice, and for us to celebrate all of the things that we are proud of in all of our schools.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mark Wilson