Sunday 9 September 2012

Week 1

Dear Parent/ Carer,

It has been wonderful to welcome you back to the new school year at two of our schools this week.

I had the privilege of talking to staff at all three schools on their Training Days this week.  We will be unwavering in our ambition to achieve World Class for our schools and for our partnership and I hope that it is a vision that motivates, inspires and enthuses our staff to give their very best for your child. 

At Kilmorie, of course, we are still to open to children.  All staff have been working incredibly hard – under very difficult circumstances – preparing the building for occupation and for the job of learning.  We have a building to be very proud of, one in which it is our duty to look to help children enjoy it and get the very best from it.

I met parents in the playground at Fairlawn this week, said a few words in the Assembly and visited classes.  I was delighted to hear the very, very positive sentiments expressed by parents about the school.  As I said to the staff, there is a very deep feeling of love for the school... amongst parents and staff.  That is a wonderful and a very powerful thing.  I found a couple of fellow Leeds Utd supporters at Fairlawn… who will now be my friends for life.  It was great to see rich and powerful learning in every class.  My special thanks this week go to Mrs George, who is taking children to the Thames Festival today (Sunday).  It is the willingness of staff at our three schools to commit extra time to the children and to wonderful experiences like this for them that makes the difference… I am inspired and hugely grateful that there are a great many examples like this going on at all of our schools, all of the time.

There was a brilliant start to the school year at Haseltine.  We get up to full speed at Haseltine very quickly.  I have had my lunch with children there twice this week and have learned a great deal.  Two of the girls were telling me how Mr Buxton is their hero.  He is Ms Brumby’s and my hero too… after the immense efforts that he put into ensuring that Haseltine was able to open on time on Wednesday.  We breathed a sigh of relief as the last truck rolled out of the playground at half past eight on Wednesday morning.  I met parents in the playground after school and was taken with the community spirit there.  I am always taken with the sheer passion and enthusiasm for the children amongst the staff at Haseltine.  It is quite breathtaking. 

I said to the children at the Fairlawn Assembly, my job as Executive Headteacher simply means ‘Best Job in the World’.  It is a privilege to be working with you all.   

I am settling into life in London... and am not 100% reliant on my Sat Nav to get around now and am managing a level of domestication and self-reliance that remains a bit of a surprise to my wife (my family having remained in the North of England).  I have only managed to get to one session of British Military Fitness thus far and haven't got out for any runs yet... I do hope to improve this miserable record soon.  My eldest son has identified the  weekends that he wants to come down to London... which just happen to coincide with Leeds Utd games against Palace and Charlton. So all is going well...

I hope you enjoy a super week ahead,
Mark Wilson

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